2024 - 2025 School Year

Henderson Parent Teacher Cooperative Organization (PTCO)

 About the PTCO

PTCO Stands for Parent Teacher Cooperative Organization, consisting of parents and teachers working together to support and enrich all students.  The PTCO is open to all Henderson Elementary School parents, guardians and families.
Our PTCO strives to enhance Children’s educational experiences.  Becoming a member does not mean you automatically sign up to volunteer, it just means you support our group and believe in what we are doing.  Please enroll or renew membership to help us achieve supporting another great school year.


 What we do

We help raise funds to provide a wide range of educational enrichment programs to our students.  Our school community fundraises money to provide our children with new library books, new technology, buses for field trips, and many other activities for teachers and students. Some of the fun things we plan and organize include the Fall Festival (truck or treat), winter dance, Bingo Night, Spring Scoop, Husky Night Outs, teacher appreciation events, and the Husky 5k fun run.


How can you get involved?

Check out our website, facebook page, or attend a meeting!  For the PTCO to be effective and truly representative of the school, we seek to have parental involvement from as many parents as possible.  There are endless possibilities in ways you can support based on your own level of flexibility from becoming a member, joining the PTCO board, or volunteering for an event.  We always appreciated our parent volunteers, as do our teachers and staff.
The PTCO welcomes you to join our meetings to contribute you ideas and talents to better our school and truly make a difference.  Our meetings are generally held on the last Tuesday of each month from 6:15-6:45 pm.

Contact us [email protected]


How to join the PTCO

Step 1:  Use the CheddarUp link or QR code

Step 2. Seletc your membership level

Step 3: Submit payment

The Henderson Elementary PTCO is not a program or department of the Prince William Public Schoos, but on independent organization which has obtained the approval of PWCS to support its schools, students, teams, programs, and extracurricular activities.  All funds raised by Henderson Elementary PTCO must be used for approved school purposes.